
The old school in me

The old school in me is why I’ve loved Culxer House’s Freedom Summer album and Buddi3 Da Gawd on F’rari Tawk

DMC talking about the commercialized destruction of Hip Hop and comparing it to how disco self destructed

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Check out my new NOISE

Check out my new NOISE profile on Omaha community advocate Clarice Jackson, who has stayed the course through triumph and tragedy to bring awareness, education and support around dyslexia and illiteracy.

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1st Sky Omaha in the

1st Sky Omaha in the Morning 10/8/21

NOISE ribbon cutting today at 12:30. Also, they are already coming after Precious. Yesterday, they showed up strong at the Library forum. One of Jake Gardner’s attorneys is running for state legislature. Stothert appoints a new city attorney. Postal service is slowing the mail. JBH wins the 2021 Familia y Comunidad Award. Two Americas continue: Training more Native American Educators. Black cop pleads to 9 months of probation, wait until you see what he was facing. We should talk about the Dave Chappelle special. Buddi3 da Gawd, Paul Beeee, Star Trek Rich.

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Earlier this week I shared

Earlier this week I shared an El Perico story about the late David Catalan and mistakenly took credit for the article. The piece was actually written by Marina Rosado. The story I wrote about David is linked here. Sorry for the confusion, but at least this provides another way to remember the late community advocate who touched many lives with his support and counsel.

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