
A U.S. judge has temporarily

A U.S. judge has temporarily blocked enforcement of Texas’ new abortion law, granting an emergency request from the Justice Department.

The DOJ sought the halt in enforcement just days after the department sued Texas. Known as S.B. 8, the law bans almost all abortions in the state after about 6 weeks of pregnancy — even in cases of rape, sexual abuse and incest.

“From the moment S.B. 8 went into effect, women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their lives in ways that are protected by the Constitution,” Judge Robert Pitman wrote. “… this Court will not sanction one more day of this offensive deprivation of such an important right.”

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Join the NOISE team on

Join the NOISE team on Friday, Oct. 8 at 12:30 p.m. for our News & Civics Bureau ribbon-cutting at the downtown Modus Coworking building, 1901 Howard Street, Suite 207.

After more than a year of working virtually during the pandemic, North Omaha Information Support Everyone (NOISE) invites the public to a ribbon cutting at our new satellite news and civics bureau located downtown near the courthouse and civic center.
NOISE, founded in 2018, relied on shared office space for its first three years and is now reaping the benefits of a physical place for our team to call home.

Members of the community are invited to join us on Friday, October 8 at 12:30 p.m. at 1901 Howard Street, Suite 207 to celebrate this new chapter of NOISE.

Light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres will be available with the ribbon cutting occurring promptly at 1:00 p.m. by our Executive Director, Myles Davis.

Masks are required for all attendees.

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Yesterday, the Appropriations Committee held

Yesterday, the Appropriations Committee held interim hearings on LR178 and LR179 regarding the funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Today, we are meeting again to discuss LR145, LR209, LR210, and LR212. You can learn more about these studies, here: https://www.nebraskalegislature.gov/calendar/hearings.php?day=2021-10-06

Thank you to everyone who testified. Hearing from members of the public, our second house, is vital to the legislative process.

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RIP, David Catalan Another community

RIP, David Catalan
Another community builder is gone. The former corporate manager was an Omaha transplant who immersed himself in his adopted hometown through hands-on involvement in civic and cultural activities that uplifted people. He worked with individuals, organizations and neighborhoods – many of them South Omaha-based – on numerous community betterment projects and initiatives. He was a loyal patron and friend to many artists, creatives and entrepreneurs. Late in life he nurtured his own creativity by writing and publishing his own poetry.

Read my El Perico profile on him from a few years ago by following the link below. The Spanish version is on page 10 and the English version is in page 12.

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1st Sky Omaha in the

1st Sky Omaha in the Morning 10/6/21

Precious gotta new job. Kellogg’s workers on strike. Inmate dies after testing positive for COVID: the Prison situation. Covid is down in NE, but up in Douglas County. Library strategic plan forum is tomorrow. Facebook outage after being outed. In the midst of a housing crisis 500+ houses need to be found for Afghan refugees. Fortenberry is in trouble. Ricketts border politics. 14 Candidates want Mike Boyles seat and why Roger Garcia should get it. The NOISE ribbon cutting. NE Senator wants to audit all 50 states of the presidential election. Buddi3 da Gawd, Paul Beeee, Star Trek Rich.

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